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I use this puzzle as a “Scoot” puzzle, but it could be used in a variety of ways.
I cut out and laminate the 20 cards in this puzzle.I place one card on 20 desks.Each student starts at one of the desks, and works out the problem at that desk on their answer sheet.I then call time after what seems to be enough time.Students then move to the next desk.They show their work for each of the 20 questions.
As an alternative method (if you have more than 20 students), give each group of 4 students a set of cards.Each student will then have to do 5 of the problems.
After all 20 questions have been solved, I then provide the students with the riddle.Since the students must have the correct answers in order to solve the riddle, this is a self-correcting exercise.
In order to be successful at this exercise, students need to be able to solve two-step linear equations that involve fractions.It is not necessary for students to know the distributive property or to be able to combine like terms to complete this activity.